Friday, December 27, 2019

The Things I Know Nothing At All A Little Thing From...

The title of my project is called The Things I Know Nothing at All: A Little Thing from Experience. The genre is diverse and falls under the categories of prose poetry, micro fiction, or creative non-fiction. It is inspired by Anne Carson’s Short Talks where she analyzes different subjects that are interconnected on a grander scheme. I used Janet Burroway’s Imaginative Writing: the Elements of Craft to create my creative non-fiction piece and to develop its subjects. The goal of my project is to offer a different perception on subjects that are deemed irrelevant, but present an insight that shows a collective meaning. The genre of creative nonfiction is evolving and hot publications such as Penguin Random House and Fourth Genre are taking advantage of it. Creative Nonfiction Magazine deems Penguin Random House a top publisher for creative nonfiction because of best seller Unbroken: A World War II Story by Laura Hillenbrand. Its website houses Vintage International Series, which is founded in literary fiction and also published Anne Carson’s Planiwater: Essays and Poetry. Annette Gendler, a writer and photographer, who has published in the Wall Street Journal and Tablet Magazine rates Fourth Genre against the criteria of winning either a 2010 Pushcart for Nonfiction or Best American Essay of 2010. She also excluded venues who did not allow simultaneous submissions. Fourth Genre among the other eleven publishers mentions that they are looking for innovative work that isShow MoreRelated The Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy1462 Words   |  6 PagesThe Folly of Renà © Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy In order to embark on his quest for truth, Descartes first devises his four rules which should serve as a solid foundation for all else that he comes to understand. 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